

RRHA.BA seeks for submissions applying to Romanian and European art the full range of critical and historical approaches; comparative studies are also welcomed.

Manuscripts are considered on condition that they have not been previously published and are not under consideration elsewhere.

All submissions will be subject to blind peer review process. Referees' identities will remain anonymous to the authors. Referees must disclose to the editorial team any conflicts of interest that could bias their opinions of the manuscript, and should disqualify themselves if they believe this to be appropriate.

Articles to be published are selected on the basis of their scientific value and their relevance to the topics covered by RRHA.BA.

Contributions intended for publication in the next year’s issue of RRHA.BA should be submitted before 30 September of the current year. The decision of accepting or rejecting an article is usually reached within 3 to 4 months of submission, and the authors will be informed immediately afterwards. Please note that the paper can be accepted either as it stands, or the referee and the editors may suggest minor revisions; in the latter case, the author should return the revised paper in no more than 2 months.

Contributions should be sent as e-mail attachments to Ms. Daniela Artareanu, editorial assistant, at You will be promptly notified of the receipt of your paper.

RRHA.BA does not charge submission or publication fees.

Before submitting, please read carefully the Guidelines for authors.

Copyright © G. Oprescu Institute of Art History, 2010